I.D.: 89483439

DPS Qualification__Provision of Remote Health Monitoring Technologies to Support the Implementation of Virtual Ward Care Model Solutions (HSE ref. 23112)

A szerződés típusa:
A dokumentum típusa:
Új kiírások, ajánlati felhívások
CPV kódok:
Beadási határidő:
Ajánlatkérő szervezet:
Health Service Executive (HSE)
Becsült érték:
500 000 000 EUR
500 000 000 EUR
Rövid összefoglaló:
The HSE is issuing this Request to Participate (“RTP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter ‘the DPS’) for the provision
of Remote Health Monitoring Technologies to support the implementation of Virtual Ward care models via a fully end to end
vendor managed solution. The HSE is the Contracting Authority for this public procurement competition on its own behalf and
on behalf of all organisations funded by the HSE. A Virtual Ward is a time-limited, safe, and efficient alternative to bedded
care enabled by technology that aims to support people who have an acute condition, or exacerbation of a chronic condition
requiring hospital-level care, to receive this high acuity care in the place they call home. This approach can provide both
an alternative to hospital admission at the Emergency Department, and/or facilitate an earlier discharge from a hospital ward
for medical and surgical patients. This DPS will support the implementation of Virtual Wards and associated service capabilities
within adult, older persons, and paediatric services across, but not limited to, respiratory, cardiology, and endocrinology
pathways. The HSE is seeking to procure an effective and successful market proven, end-to-end vendor managed solution ready
for immediate deployment. A central component of the Virtual Ward Solution supported by Remote Health Monitoring Technologies
service will be a comprehensive fully vendor managed (end-to-end) solution, including the provision and support of a suite
of web-based application(s) and clinical measurement equipment, to facilitate acute clinical care delivered remotely by a
multidisciplinary team (MDT) if clinically appropriate and with clear lines of clinical responsibility and governance. This
solution will facilitate the avoidance of hospital admission and/or early hospital discharge by providing safe technology
that allows suitable patients to be clinically monitored from where they call home.
Nuts kód:
The HSE is issuing this Request to Participate (“RTP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter ‘the DPS’) for the provision of Remote Health Monitoring Technologies to support the implementation of Virtual Ward care models via a fully end to end vendor managed solution. The HSE is the Contracting Authority for this public procurement competition on its own behalf and on behalf of all organisations funded...
The HSE is issuing this Request to Participate (“RTP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter ‘the DPS’) for the provision of Remote Health Monitoring Technologies to support the implementation of Virtual Ward care models via a fully end to end vendor managed solution. The HSE is the Contracting Authority for this public procurement competition on its own behalf and on behalf of all organisations funded by the HSE. A Virtual Ward is a time-limited, safe, and efficient alternative to bedded care enabled by technology that aims to support people who have an acute condition, or exacerbation of a chronic condition requiring hospital-level care, to receive this high acuity care in the place they call home. This approach can provide both an alternative to hospital admission at the Emergency Department, and/or facilitate an earlier discharge from a hospital ward for medical and surgical patients. This DPS will support the implementation of Virtual Wards and associated service capabilities within adult, older persons, and paediatric services across, but not limited to, respiratory, cardiology, and endocrinology pathways. The HSE is seeking to procure an effective and successful market proven, end-to-end vendor managed solution ready for immediate deployment. A central component of the Virtual Ward Solution supported by Remote Health Monitoring Technologies service will be a comprehensive fully vendor managed (end-to-end) solution, including the provision and support of a suite of web-based application(s) and clinical measurement equipment, to facilitate acute clinical care delivered remotely by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) if clinically appropriate and with clear lines of clinical responsibility and governance. This solution will facilitate the avoidance of hospital admission and/or early hospital discharge by providing safe technology that allows suitable patients to be clinically monitored from where they call home.

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