I.D.: 91049940

The provision of mentoring and related services for Local Enterprise Office Westmeath

A szerződés típusa:
A dokumentum típusa:
Új kiírások, ajánlati felhívások
CPV kódok:
79412000 66171000 72221000 72610000 73000000 80570000 79633000 79413000 79414000 79415200 79417000 79420000 79418000 79416200 90713000 71317210
Beadási határidő:
2027.03.31 12:00
Ajánlatkérő szervezet:
Westmeath County Council
Becsült érték:
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
400 000 EUR
Rövid összefoglaló:
LEO Westmeath is compiling a panel of mentors, from which future mentor assignments for a 3-year period will be selected.
Applications are invited from mentors with appropriate skills and experience that wish to be included in the LEO Westmeath
mentor panel.
Nuts kód:
LEO Westmeath is compiling a panel of mentors, from which future mentor assignments for a 3-year period will be selected. Applications are invited from mentors with appropriate skills and experience that wish to be included in the LEO Westmeath mentor panel.

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