I.D.: 84779337

Többféle beszerzés (részletek az összefoglalóban)

A szerződés típusa:
A dokumentum típusa:
Új kiírások, ajánlati felhívások
CPV kódok:
15911100 24455000 33711610 33711900 33741100 33741200 33761000 33763000 33764000 33770000 33771000 39224320 39224340 19640000 39514100 39514200 39525100 39525800 39525810 39811100 39812000 39812400 39830000 39831000 39831600 39832000 39833000 39224000 39820000 39541140 39221100 39221130 39221140 39221150 39221160 39221230 38412000 33711710 39224330 33141123
Beadási határidő:
2099.05.31 10:00
Ajánlatkérő szervezet:
Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka
Becsült érték:
42 446 204 CZK
Rövid összefoglaló:
Párlat Disinfectants Shampoos Soap Hand cleaner Hand or body lotions Toilet paper Paper hand towels Paper serviettes Paper sanitary Sanitary paper products Sponges Bins Polietilén hulladékgyűjtő zsák és zacskó Towels Tea towels Dusters Cleaning cloths Polishing cloths Air freshener Polishes and creams Sweeping compounds Cleaning products Washing preparations Toilet cleaners Dishwashing products Anti-dust products Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types Organic surface-active agents Twine Kitchenware Food containers Water canteens Vacuum flasks Trays Saucers Thermometers Toothbrushes Buckets Sharps containers
Nuts kód:
Hlavní město Praha
Párlat Disinfectants Shampoos Soap Hand cleaner Hand or body lotions Toilet paper Paper hand towels Paper serviettes Paper sanitary Sanitary paper products Sponges Bins Polietilén hulladékgyűjtő zsák és zacskó Towels Tea towels Dusters Cleaning cloths Polishing cloths Air freshener Polishes and creams Sweeping compounds Cleaning products Washing preparations Toilet cleaners ...
Párlat Disinfectants Shampoos Soap Hand cleaner Hand or body lotions Toilet paper Paper hand towels Paper serviettes Paper sanitary Sanitary paper products Sponges Bins Polietilén hulladékgyűjtő zsák és zacskó Towels Tea towels Dusters Cleaning cloths Polishing cloths Air freshener Polishes and creams Sweeping compounds Cleaning products Washing preparations Toilet cleaners Dishwashing products Anti-dust products Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types Organic surface-active agents Twine Kitchenware Food containers Water canteens Vacuum flasks Trays Saucers Thermometers Toothbrushes Buckets Sharps containers

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