I.D.: 87892227

Többféle szolgáltatás (részletek az összefoglalóban)

A szerződés típusa:
A dokumentum típusa:
CPV kódok:
48500000 79822500 79411100 22314000 79342311 92312211 79310000 79952100 79411000 79419000 72225000 79413000 79952000 92312210 79311000 79950000 92312000 72212480 72212481 92310000 30111000 79720000 79410000 72223000 79500000 79933000 79330000 79900000 79552000 79312000 79342000 79341100 79956000 79342100 72212510 79313000 79341000 79320000 79342310 79951000 79415200 79960000 73220000 79630000 72266000 79314000 48510000 48481000 64000000 79990000 73210000 79530000 79340000 48315000 79315000 48511000 79820000 79414000 73200000 30110000 79341200 72413000 72227000 72224000 79550000 75130000 79821000 79341400 79953000 79600000 72212500
Beadási határidő:
2027.06.25 23:59
Ajánlatkérő szervezet:
Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen
Rövid összefoglaló:
Kommunikációs és multimédiás szoftvercsomag Graphic design services Business development consultancy services Designs Customer satisfaction survey Writing agency services Market research services Cultural event organisation services General management consultancy services Evaluation consultancy services System quality assurance assessment and review services Marketing management consultancy services Event services Services provided by authors Survey services Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services Artistic services Sales, marketing and business intelligence software development services Sales or marketing software development services Artistic and literary creation and interpretation services Word processors Investigation services Business and management consultancy services Information technology requirements review services Office-support services Design support services Statistical services Miscellaneous business and business-related services Word-processing services Market-testing services Marketing services Advertising consultancy services Fair and exhibition organisation services Direct marketing services Communication software development services Performance review services Advertising services Public-opinion polling services Customer survey services Seminar organisation services Design consultancy services Photographic and ancillary services Development consultancy services Personnel services except placement and supply services Software consultancy services Feasibility study Kommunikációs szoftvercsomag Értékesítő- vagy marketing-szoftvercsomag Postal and telecommunications services Miscellaneous business-related services Research consultancy services Translation services Advertising and marketing services Asztali kiadványszerkesztő szoftvercsomag Social research services Számítógépes kommunikációs szoftvercsomag Services related to printing Human resources management consultancy services Research and development consultancy services Word-processing machines Advertising management services World wide web (www) site design services Software integration consultancy services Project management consultancy services Typing, word-processing and desktop publishing services Supporting services for the government Print finishing services Advertising campaign services Festival organisation services Recruitment services Communication and multimedia software development services
Nuts kód:
Kommunikációs és multimédiás szoftvercsomag Graphic design services Business development consultancy services Designs Customer satisfaction survey Writing agency services Market research services Cultural event organisation services General management consultancy services Evaluation consultancy services System quality assurance assessment and review services Marketing management consultancy services Event services Services ...
Kommunikációs és multimédiás szoftvercsomag Graphic design services Business development consultancy services Designs Customer satisfaction survey Writing agency services Market research services Cultural event organisation services General management consultancy services Evaluation consultancy services System quality assurance assessment and review services Marketing management consultancy services Event services Services provided by authors Survey services Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services Artistic services Sales, marketing and business intelligence software development services Sales or marketing software development services Artistic and literary creation and interpretation services Word processors Investigation services Business and management consultancy services Information technology requirements review services Office-support services Design support services Statistical services Miscellaneous business and business-related services Word-processing services Market-testing services Marketing services Advertising consultancy services Fair and exhibition organisation services Direct marketing services Communication software development services Performance review services Advertising services Public-opinion polling services Customer survey services Seminar organisation services Design consultancy services Photographic and ancillary services Development consultancy services Personnel services except placement and supply services Software consultancy services Feasibility study Kommunikációs szoftvercsomag Értékesítő- vagy marketing-szoftvercsomag Postal and telecommunications services Miscellaneous business-related services Research consultancy services Translation services Advertising and marketing services Asztali kiadványszerkesztő szoftvercsomag Social research services Számítógépes kommunikációs szoftvercsomag Services related to printing Human resources management consultancy services Research and development consultancy services Word-processing machines Advertising management services World wide web (www) site design services Software integration consultancy services Project management consultancy services Typing, word-processing and desktop publishing services Supporting services for the government Print finishing services Advertising campaign services Festival organisation services Recruitment services Communication and multimedia software development services

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